Friday 6 September 2013

Sea Life Sydney Aquarium


Australia is a beautiful island country with the world’s third largest sea area. That is approximate 1200 square kilometers. The sea contains abundant resources and secrets as long as a variety of marine lives. How can you come to Australia without meeting our marine life friends?



Sea Life Sydney Aquarium is a public aquarium located in the city of Sydney, New South Wales, Australia. It is located on the eastern side of Darling Harbour to the north of the Pyrmont Bridge.

Meet The animals


 clown anemonefish

On any day of the week here, you're guaranteed to see children enthusiastically prodding their fingers against the glass shouting 'I FOUND NEMO!'

Grey Nurse Shark

Despite its fearsome appearance and rows of sharp teeth, the grey nurse shark offers no threat to humans and is in fact a superbly-adapted fish-eater, usually swallowing its prey whole.

Moon Jellyfish

These fascinating animals have translucent bodies and can be recognised by their four horseshoe-shaped organs, easily seen through the top of their bodies.

More about the aquarium


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